Monday, November 15, 2010

Here we go again....

This trimester I am enrolled in EER500 and ETL503. It was with great trepidation that I printed off subject outlines and started trawling through and attempting to get my head around the tasks involved in the units of work.
Last semester I completed ETL401 and ETL501, only just scraping through ETL401.
Even though the subjects were challenging, the new learning felt amazing. Creating a wiki and a blog has informed my ICT knowledge and I have incorporated this into my own teaching.
I have found the start of this semester easier as I already have an understanding of how to use the my.csu website, and also having completed 401 and 501 I have some prior knowledge.
I am awaiting a text book, have started an assignment, completed module one and made introductions. I'm exhausted and it's only day one.