Monday, April 18, 2011

Part A done- now for Part B

ETL504 has begun and with it a collaborative project involving me and supposebly four other students. (The number dwindled down to a group of three after two groupees pulled out). The task was to create a slideshow that "sells" an article we believe is important to publish to a specified journal. We targetted executive staff and our aim was to convince them of the importance of the role of the TL in strategic planning. My idea was for us to create a model and flowchart to show principles and methods of strategic planning. Our slideshow then defined each concept and specified how the role of the TL was important to this stage of planning. The collaborative work was really great, especially because I spend so much time working on my own, it was great to discuss the work and share the load a bit.
These were the principles for strategic planning for change we identified from our readings:

  • Engaging people's moral purpose

  • Building change culture

  • Leadership for change

  • Identifying priorities - internal and external

  • Innovative influence on learning and teaching
These were the methods for strategic planning for change we identified from our readings:

  • Define change/direction

  • Build capacity

  • Coherence of strategies

  • Implement plan

  • Evaluate and review strategic plan
For now I am on to Part B; an annotated bibliography and self-assessment of part A. I'm learning lots about working as a part of a team. Will post more when I'm done.