Saturday, May 11, 2013

Unit 7: VICPLN

The following link will take you to a screencast demonstrating how to create a Note in Evernote:


I used JING as I already had an account and found the program easy to use and efficient.

To create my final reflection I used a combination of screenshots taken and edited using SKITCH and ANIMOTO.  I have included a few notes below reflecting on the course.


What are the key things you learned during the course?

  • Evernote
Were there any highlights?

  • Finding some excellent resources on digital footprints (particularly from Jenny Luca's blog)
  • Becoming more active on Twitter
How did you feel during the course – did it change  from trepidation to frustration to joy or vice versa? Or something else completely?

  • I felt comfortable in my capabilities and deepened my knowledge.  
How would you describe the course to someone else? Would you encourage them to do it?
Did anything slow or stop your progress?

  • I would describe this course as easy to follow, enjoyable and thorough.  I would recommend this to someone who is starting out with, or has just dipped their toes in, to the wide world of information literacy and the myriad tools that are part of the experience.  
  • I missed a few of the blackboard collaborative sessions due to after work meetings and commitments.  However, I could easily catch these up in my own time.
Make your own slideshow at Animoto.


  1. Neat screencast Ria. A good demo for prospective Evernote users. Jing looks good. I must give it a go!

  2. Hi Ria,
    I agree with John, great screencast! It was a good idea to show how you can use this tool for both home and work. Often in is the tools that benefit us in our personal lives that we first adapt/adopt into our professional practice.
    Good work,
    (for the PLN team)

  3. Me again!
    Just wanted to add that as soon as you finish your digital story and send it through I can mark this unit as complete.
    All the best,
    (for the PLN team)

  4. The Animoto looks great! It is a simple yet very effective way to look back and demonstrate how far you've come in your learning journey.
    Congratulations on completing the course! We'll be printing out certificates on June 14th, you should receive one shortly after that.
    We'd like to encourage our participants to keep contributing to the vicPLN via the social media sites.
    All the best,
    (for the PLN team)
